Tulpenrallye 1997

  • 2100Kilometers
  • 204Equipes at the start
  • 186Equipes at the finish
  • Eddy van den Hoorn | René Smeets
  • Noordwijk (NL)
  • Noordwijk (NL)


This year not an extra day will be added to the program; however, on Tuesday morning there will be a very early start. Germany is avoided this year as much as possible because of the problems with obtaining the necessary permits in that country. Fashion manufacturer State of Art acts as the new main sponsor of the event this year.

Among the participants is Bert Dolk, winner of the rally in 1973. Other Dutch contenders are Eddy van den Hoorn (Volvo 1225), Renger Guliker (Fiat 1600S), Don van der Vaart (Triumph TR3A), Linus Verhoeks (Austin Healey 3000 MKII), Eric Leerdam (Ford Lotus Cortina), Dries Jetten (Ferrari 250 GTE) and Titia Westerhof (Volvo 121). Major foreign participants are Martin Petit, Mike Cornwell, Piet van Dieten and Neil Wilson. The Belgian Rudi Theissen starts with a Ford Escort Mexico, in which Roger Clark won the rally in 1968 (the car was still in experimental condition at that time). The Swiss Christian Heussi starts with a Citroën TA II Cabriolet from 1933, navigated by the enthusiastic Henk van Montfort who starts a Tulpenrallye for the twelfth time.

After the start in Noordwijk, the participants drive in the direction of Eindhoven, where the DAF museum is hosting lunch. The afternoon route, the traditional problems and challenges caused by the maps in Belgium; once again a number of participants arrives late in La Roche for the night’s rest. The next day the route goes via Belgium and the north of France, with a lunch in Charleville, to the north of the Vosges. The dinner is that night in Türckheim, followed by the traditional tour through the Vosges the next day. After lunch at La Bresse, the route continues north to La Petite Pierre, which was also included in the Tulpenrallye several times in the past. On Friday the route runs via Mandern, Luxembourg and Belgium to Vaals. On Saturday the teams drive via Vaals, Lent and Veenendaal to the finish in Noordwijk.

After the first day, in which only 25 teams remain without penalty points, Frans Zapfe and Anja Bögershausen (Mercedes 220 SE Coupe) take the lead unexpectedly. Van den Hoorn and Smeets are still 15th at that moment. In the second part of the second day many teams run into penalty points and at the end of this day Van den Hoorn takes the lead, followed by Guliker and Van der Vaart. Guliker delivers a unique performance on the third day by taking one of the regularity tests with exactly the right time, based on which he leads at the end of the day just 10 seconds followed by van den Hoorn. Van den Hoorn misses a control on the fourth day in the morning, which gives 300 penalty points and then the way is open for Guliker to decide the game in his favor. However he now has a broken clutch, therefore can not turn when he drives the route incorrectly and therefore misses a control. In the afternoon, Guliker still misses a control and on Saturday it happens to him again, so he will finally have to settle for a sixth place at the finish. Van den Hoorn and Smeets win the Tulpenrallye again, they missed only one of the 153 checks. They are followed in the results by Van der Vaart, Verhoeks, Westerman and Cornwell who are only 70 seconds apart.

The touring class is won by father and son Dolf and Eric Beuk from Noordwijk. The team prize is won by the Historic Rally Team Netherlands. During the prize-giving ceremony and the closing party in Huis ter Duin, Johnny Kalvin sets things up and all participants get swinging on the floor.


Take a look at the Tulpenrallye edition 1997 with the selection of images below that we have selected for you!

view the videos:


Driver / Navigator
STNR. Driver Navigator Category Car
1Christian Heussi CHHenk van Montfoort NLCitroën ta 11 cabriolet
2Martin Petitt GBBrian Parker GBRover 90 p4 saloon
3Hans van Doorn NLFred van Doorn NLMorgan plus 4
4Lisa Klokgieters NLDennis Greenslade GBMg ya/yb limousine
5Rob v.d. Zalm NLBart Spoelstra NLJaguar ss 100
6Paul van Doorne NLMarc van Doorne NLDaf 55
7Annemarie Dam van Isselt NLReinout de Waal NLAlfa romeo giulietta spider
8Frits Janus NLPim Janus NLAston martin db 2/4 mkiii
9Jan van Velzen NLJan Willem v. Velzen NLMg mga mk2
10Eddy v.d Hoorn NLRené Smeets NLVolvo 122 s
11Frans Diepeveen NLErik van Hardeveld NLAustin-healey sprite mki
12Ron van 't Schip NLJunior Stoutenbeek NLAlfa romeo giulietta sprint
13Henk Baars NLWilco Beijer NLJaguar xk 140 fhc
14Brian Chase GBGisela Erwin DMg midget ta
15Karel Westerman NLMartin Roosenboom NLPorsche 356 b
16Willem v.d. Mast NLPeter Staal NLTriumph tr 3
17Piet van Dieten NLWilli Potjans DAlfa romeo gt 1600 junior
18Loek de Rooij NLPeter Bezemer NLVw kever 11
19Linus Verhoeks NLJan Berkhof NLAustin-healey mk 3000 mkii
20Mike Cornwell GBColin Francis GBPorsche 356
21Peter Hendriks NLBen Roetgerink NLFord lotus cortina
22Carel Küthe NLFred Huigen NLAustin-healey 3000 mki
23Lilian v.d. Vaart NLMieke Tijsterman NLDaf 55 marathon
24Dries Jetten NLPiet Jetten NLFerrari 250 gt/e
25Bernhard Pfältzer DGottfried Burckhardt DPorsche 911 c
26Renger Guliker NLIngeborg Guliker NLFiat 1600 s cabrio
27Neil Wilson GBWilly Cave GBPorsche 356 sc
28Eiso Bergsma NLWillem v Koningsveld NLPorsche 911
29Jan ten Cate NLRonald Brons NLAston martin db 5
30Eric Leerdam NLHans Gordijn NLFord lotus cortina
31Henk Janus NLFred Ouwerling NLAustin-healey 3000 mkii
32Hans de Jong NLBob Dickhout NLMg mgc roadster
33Herman v.d Bosch NLBas v.d. Heide NLVolvo 122 s
34Tony Davies GBAlan Smith GBAustin mini cooper
35Maries Dinaux NLEric van Straaten NLTriumph tr 6
36Titia Westerhof NLAnja v.d. Marel NLVolvo 121
37Robert-Jan Hoen NLWalth.v Vollenhoven NLAustin-healey mkiii
38Ferdinand Eekels NLJeroen Dudok van Heel NLTriumph tr 3 a
39Fred van Lingen NLJaap Verplanken NLAlfa romeo giulia sprint
40Aad Lourens NLPiet den Boef NLAston martin db 4
41Ineke Mouthaan NLEmma Collette NLTriumph tr 4
42Don v.d. Vaart NLAndré Jetten NLTriumph tr 3 a
43Leunis de Kam NLRichard de Kam NLAustin-healey 3000 mki
44Rob Mühring NLAndré Kivit NLAustin-healey 3000 mki
45Ina de Hoop NLArthur Denzler NLTriumph spitfire mkiii
46Dick Schiferli NLHerman Schipper NLPorsche 356 c
47Rudi Theissen BMartin Gillessen BFord escort mexico
48Franz Zapfe DAnja Bögershausen DMercedes 220 se coupé
49Willo Morsink NLJohan Witte NLPorsche 356 a coupé
50Jan Koerts NLPeter Vermeulen NLLancia fulvia zagato
51Lindy Margadant NLFelice v.d. Aa NLAlfa romeo giulia spr. gt
52Peter Hans v.d Nat NLMarcelle v.d. Leur NLMg mgb
53Leslie Treffers NLBert Klomp NLVw kever
54Kurt Pheiffer DJörg Schmidt DVw 11 kever
55Henk Hogeveen NLGeert Rolink NLMorris cooper s
56Hans Aerssen Berlé NLGuus Benistant NLVolvo p 130
57Paul Broekhof NLGer v.d. Peet NLPorsche 911 e
58Jan Vaandrager NLWilko Vaandrager NLAustin-healey 100/6
59Rinus Sinke NLJaap Sinke NLAustin-healey 3000
60Niek van Gils NLMarianne van Gils NLTriumph tr 3 a
61Guido Buijs NLJoris Buijs NLAustin-healey 3000 mkiii
62Janet Erdtsieck NLBart Posthumus NLTriumph 2,5 pi mki
63Huib Geurink NLSjoerd Wouda NLLancia flaminia 3b
64Jaap van der Borg NLAd Janssen NLTriumph spitfire 4
65Nan Beers NLBoris Hartland NLFord zephyr 2500
66Gertjan v Klashorst NLMartijn Levert NLTriumph tr 3 b
67Dries Veen NLJoris Bergsma NLMercedes 220
68Michael Abram GBMargaret Abram GBFord cortina mk i gt
69Aernout Lindner NLMaarten van Kekem NLBmw 2002
70Rob Klaarenbeek NLRonald Batenburg NLVw-porsche 914
71Lin v.d. Slikke NLMichel Verbeek NLPorsche 356 c
72Rob Peters NLTheo van Erkel NLJaguar mark2 3.8
73Peter Pratt GBJulie Eaglen GBTriumph tr 2
74Bert Dolk NLRob v.d. Valk NLJaguar xk 150
75Horst Deumel DCarl-Michael Emer DPorsche 912
76Alex van Tienhoven NLHans Rieter NLJaguar xk 150 fhc
77Tom Warburton GBJim Youd GBAustin-healey 100 m roadster
78Jouke Post NLJoeri Post NLLotus elan s 3
79Peter. Beuk NLMike Beuk NLAustin-healey 3000 mkiii
80Erik van Wieringen NLJan van der Meer NLMg mgb roadster
81Arjan Hodes NLVincent Muller NLPorsche 356 sc
82Kees Krug NLAdri Krug NLMorris mini mkii
83Bart v.d. Kloet NLMiriam v.d. Kloet NLFerrari 330 gtc
84Toon Boogers NLMieke Boogers NLVolvo pv 544 s
85Reinier Mutsaerts NLPiet Hein Mutsaerts NLFord cortina 1600 gt
86Jos Fruytier NLMichael Privé NLAston martin db 2/4 markiii
87Robert Brandy LCurt Wagner LAustin-healey 3000 mkii a
88Clive Edwards GBMervyn Brake GBLancia fulvia 1600 hf
89Noschka Ott NLElias Ott NLTriumph tr 3 a
90André Leliveld NLGerard Manintveld NLOpel rekord 1900 l
91Peter Kant NLJohn Wijnands NLVolvo pv 544
92Peter Taal NLMartin Taal NLPorsche 356 b t6 coupé
93Tjoe Houw Kwee NLYu Tjay Kwee NLLotus europa s2
94Niek Bastiaan NLAnja v.d. Mark NLTriumph tr 3 a
95Paul Kok NLNico Cortlever NLAlfa romeo giulia sprint gt
96Dirk de Wild NLWil de Wild NLPorsche 911 s
97Edgar Krug NLFerry van Egmond NLSunbeam alpine série 1
98Sandra Deumel DAnnette Seffer BMg mgb
99Ralf Stamm DAndrea Griesinger DMercedes 220 se coupé
100Jack Berk NLJip Barth NLVolvo p 544
101Wolter Gratama NLRené Bakker NLPorsche 911 s
102Dries Willems NLHarm Kuiper NLTriumph tr 3 a
103Rob Kool NLPaul Neeskens NLVolvo 1800 es
104Arie van Erkel NLAuke v.d. Weg NLFerrari 246 dino gt
105Marc de Bruijn NLBart de Bruijn NLLancia flaminia gt 3 c
106Cees Hogendoorn NLCor Verbrugge NLFord cortina
107Gerard Cretier NLDirk-Jan Cretier NLBmw 2002 a
108Jochen Schmidtke DGregor van Essen NLMg mgb
109Jeroen van Mil NLPieter Bartelse NLMercedes 190 sl
110Job van Breevoort NLFrans Smits NLAlfa romeo giulia 1300 s
111Gert Brouwer NLHuib Berkelaar NLPorsche 912
112Michel van Eesbeeck BBrian Johnson GBAustin-healey sprite mkiii
113Ulrike Meßing DHarold Ridder NLAlfa romeo giulietta ti
114Jack Gosselink NLKees Zwaans NLTriumph tr 3
115Hans Walraven NLBart Heijblom NLAlfa romeo gt 1300 junior
116Evert-Jan Dijkstra NLGuido Rouwhorst NLPorsche 356 sc
117Romain Maes LRomain Rossi LSunbeam alpine
118Jaap Nooteboom NLBram van Drunen NLJaguar xk 150 dhc
119Cees Schat NLRob van de Beek NLVolvo p 131
120Norbert Wiesmeier NLKlaus Wiesmeier NLBmw 2002 ti
121Klaas-Willem van Ommen NLRuud Oosterbaan NLFord cortina gt
122Frans Froger NLHenk v.d. Berg NLAlfa romeo giulietta sprint
123Gerrit Schippers NLRoland Holland NLAustin-healey 100/6
124Emile Heemskerk NLKees v.d. Tang NLTriumph tr 6 usa
125Rob Kerssemakers NLFrank Ebrecht NLVolvo 123 gt
126Pieter Walraven NLMichel de Maar NLLotus elan plus 2
127Ron Jordaan NLStoffel den Drijver NLAlfa romeo giulia 1300 ti
128Dieter Seidel DJörn Walling DTriumph tr 4
129Kees Heutink NLAdrie Brugmans NLMg mgb
130Gaston Koelemij NLPieter Woud NLMg mgb gt
131Cees Dobbe NLJacco van Dijk NLTriumph spitfire mkiii
132Marc Straathof NLEric Ligtvoet NLPorsche 911 s
133Fokko Rietveld NLCarolien Jordaan NLVolvo p 544
134Frank Thunnissen NLDennis Maas NLPeugeot 504 cabriolet
135Patrick Damen NLRick van Paridon NLPorsche 911 t
136Jan Storm NLSteven Kok NLFord shelby 350 gt
137Rob Woud NLLoek Alders NLAlfa romeo gt 1300 junior
138Tom Roepers NLEva Roepers NLMg mga roadster
139Fred Kok NLAegon Wijngaarden NLVolvo pv 544 c
140Hans Dullaert NLTon Joosten NLVolvo 122 s combi
141Paul Laurey NLMartin v.d. Zeeuw NLTriumph tr 6
142Boudew.v. Ouwerkerk NLPaul Klinckhamers NLAlfa romeo giulia 1300 ti
143Henk v.d. Hoeven NLBoudewijn v.d. Pols NLPorsche 911 t
144Pieter Jr. Vos NLPieter Sr. Vos NLMg mgb
145Lourens Moes NLRonald Moes NLTriumph gt 6
146Vlaardingerbroek NLBen van Deijl NLVolvo p 121
147Ralph de Munnik NLWillem Jan van Dort NLPorsche 912 coupé
148Douwe Struiksma NLKlaas Dijkstra NLAlfa romeo giulia 1300 s
149Pim Brunet de Rochebrune NLHan Joosten NLTriumph tr 4
150Henk Kats NLHans Blink NLJaguar mkii
151Cees Rodenburg NLPieter Oostdam NLFerrari dino 246 gt
152Marco Schilder NLGerrie Meereboer NLPorsche 911t
153Wilbert Veldhuyzen NLMarcel Kruger NLLotus europa s 2
154Henk v.d. Veen NLFrank Verheul NLAustin-healey 3000 mkiii
155Ton van Helden NLGeerd van Helden NLMercedes 300 sl gullwing
156Ruud Wesselink NLMiriam Wesselink NLCitroën ta 7 cabrio
157Rob Klein NLFrank Verhoeven NLAustin a30 saloon
158Ramse Nieuwenhuizen NLLeo Nieuwenhuizen NLRenault 4 cv grand luxe
159Nico Kuiper NLRichard Veldkamp NLPeugeot 203 c
160Peter v.d. Zon NLMaarten v.d. Putten NLVw 11 kever
161Frits d Kousemaeker NLPriscil Kousemaeker NLMercedes 300 sl gullwing
162Frank Alberda Jelgersma NLLiann Alberda Jelgersma NLJaguar xk 140 dhc
163Ronald Melieste NLFrits Borst NLNsu wankel spider
164Edith Klomp NLKarina de Jong NLVolvo p 131
165Marry van Dijk NLDick van Dijk NLPorsche 356 b cabrio
166Ad v.d. Kroft NLJoke v.d. Kroft NLMorgan plus 4 dhc
167Leo Hombroek NLErik de Man NLPeugeot 404 cabriolet
168Cees den Haan NLLoes den Haan NLJaguar xk 150 fhc
169Jos Lemmens NLHarry Dekkers NLTriumph herald 13/60
170Rogier van Eden NLRens van Eden NLJaguar e-type coupé
171Jaap Nooij NLMieke van Zon NLSaab 96 gt sport
172Chris Soesman NLHan Luchsinger NLAustin-healey 3000 mkii a
173Philip Taminiau NLHenk Kuiper NLAlfa romeo giulia spider
174Menno Vermaas NLRonald Vermaas NLCitroën ds 21 cabriolet
175Dolf Beuk NLEric Beuk NLFiat 1800 b
176Jan de Croon NLMichel Rutenfrans NLTriumph tr 6
177Paul Colijn NLRalph The NLAustin-healey 3000 mkiii
178Daan de Kok NLGary Wessels NLTriumph tr 4 a
179Bertil van Wijk NLRens van Abswoude NLDatsun 1200 coupé
180Bert de. Boer NLErwin de Boer NLTriumph tr 3 a
181Ilona Gatsma NLJaap Gatsma NLMg mgb
182Martin Polak NLMarco. Cornelissen NLFord cortina 1600 gt
183Nico van Dord NLDik Pieksma NLAlfa romeo 2600 spider
184George Weeteling NLNico Wierper NLMg mgb roadster
185Harry Vlot NLEd Bijster NLVolvo p 1800 s
186Eric Jans NLGerard Jans NLPorsche 911 l
187Marcel Overduin NLTineke Hilhorst NLMg mgb gt
188Luc Wijns NLPaul Wijns NLAustin-healey 3000 mkiii
189Marc Beuk NLRonald Beuk NLFiat 1500 comfort
190Willem Hielkema NLMachteld de Vries NLJaguar 340 mkii
191Marius Hoogendam NLRob v.d. Poel NLMg mgb
192Marcel Fruytier NLThijs Pollé NLTriumph tr 3 a
193Hans Lampier NLEric Lampier NLMg mgb gt
194Edwin Doesburg NLCarola v.d. Roer NLAustin-healey 3000 mki
195Hans van Eden NLLeo Koster NLJaguar e-type roadster
196Will v.d. Boom NLJacques Theelen NLMg mgb
197Joost Michgelsen NLKees Wezenaar NLPorsche 911 s
198Bernard Damen NLWillem Zweers NLAustin-healey 3000 mkiii
199Robbert Hin NLHenk Nieuwenhuijs NLFord cortina gt
200Frank van Voorst NLMichiel van Voorst NLMorris minor 1000
201Erik Bruêns NLJohan Madderom NLMg mgb
202Ko den Herder NLAnjo Kooman NLAustin-healey 3000 mki
203Kees v.d. Zwan NLEdith v.d. Zwan NLPontiac ventura coupé
204Philip Jan Hartog NLMarianne Heemskerk NLAustin-healey 3000 mkii


  • Sporting

  • Touring



  1. Noordwijk
  2. Eindhoven
  3. La Roche
  4. Charleville sous Bois
  5. Turckheim
  6. La Bresse
  7. La Petite Pierre
  8. Manderen
  9. Vaals
  10. Noordwijk



Een moment geduld a.u.b.
This year does not have a result.