Tulpenrallye 1954

  • 2885Kilometers
  • 217Equipes at the start
  • 128Equipes at the finish
  • Pierre Stasse | Olivier Gendebien
  • Nurburgring (D)
  • Noordwijk


The average speed is being further increased in this edition: 50 km/hour applies to most special stages and the routes between them. The bonus seconds system is re-applied. This gives extra bonus points, not on the basis of winning the class but on the basis of the number of seconds difference with the next classified team. Unfortunately, this system does also encourage the formation of combines. 1200 French gendarmes are deployed along the route to make the rally run smoothly. 211 teams appear at the start. The winner of the previous edition, Count Hugo van Zuylen van Nijevelt, does not participate because he is staying in Singapore at that time. The foreigners are with 108 just in the majority and they come from England (52), Germany (18), France (10), Denmark and Belgium (5).

The approach routes are again being started from the seven known places in Europe. Each of the routes are about 500 km long. All participants then meet at the Nürburgring, from where the 2885 km long joint route, with 14 special stages, is being started. The Ring is the first special stage, in which the circuit must be driven in the opposite direction within a fixed time (16 minutes). Only twelve teams incur penalty points in this stage. The route continues through the Eifel, the Hunsrück, where the participants are confronted with fog before Trier, and the Vosges to Belfort, with 4 special legs and 3 special stages (including 2 x Ballon d’Alsace). The third test is an acceleration and brake test on the Ballon. The distance is only 300 meters, with standing start, after which the crew must stop astride at the finish: two wheels after and two wheels before the finish line. One of these stages is canceled because of the snow on the road and the poor condition of the roads after a severe winter. Then the crews drive about 365 km, with two special stages, via St. Claude to Champagnole and then to Chambéry (280 km). Four special stages and a test (the climb of the Auberge du Pin over 7 km) are included in the 800 km route via Valence and Bourg-en-Bresse to Belfort. The 5th test is again the Ballon d’Alsace, which has been closed for the rest of the traffic; the R.A.C. West installs on this trial about 3 km of telephone connection so that the officials can communicate with each other. Via a special stage of 21 km from Kautenbach to Soultzbach, the teams ride the 415 km to Luxembourg. The last 470 km go from Liège, via Eindhoven to Noordwijk. The route includes a total of 14 special legs, with a total length of 404 km. Also 5 special stages and the now famous final test on the Circuit van Zandvoort are included.

De 6e editie van de rally is zeker de zwaarste tot op dat moment. De belangrijkste reden hiervoor is de snelle opeenvolging van de speciale etappes alsmede de hoge gemiddelde snelheid van 50 km per uur en meer. Jan Flinterman valt uit in de derde speciale etappe als hij twee toeschouwers ontwijkt en tegen een boom rijdt. Na de derde speciale etappe is het duidelijk dat de strijd vooral zal gaan tussen de Belgen Pierre Stasse en Olivier Gendebien (Alfa) en de Duitse Equipe Werner Engel-Gilbert Ambrecht (Porsche). Tak-Niemöller, met Alfa Romeo, halen ook de finish niet wanneer zij tegen een rotsblok rijden dat door onduidelijke redenen op de weg terecht is gekomen. Rob Slotemaker valt uit in de Ardennen, nadat hij in een ravijn is gereden. 44 (21.5%) van de 128 equipes die in de storm aan de finish komen, blijven zonder strafpunten. Nadat de deelnemers op woensdag in Noordwijk finishen, wordt op vrijdag (Koninginnedag) in Zandvoort nog de slotproef verreden. Alle 10 klassen rijden een aparte race over 10 ronden, waarbij het circuit volgens de traditie van de Tulpenrallye in tegengestelde richting wordt gereden.

The 6th edition of the rally is certainly the toughest to date. The main reason for this is the fast succession of the special stages as well as the high average speed of 50 km per hour and more. Jan Flinterman retires in the third special stage when he dodges two spectators and rides against a tree. After the third special stage, it is clear that the fight will mainly be between the Belgians Pierre Stasse and Olivier Gendebien (Alfa Romeo) and the German Equipe Werner Engel-Gilbert Ambrecht (Porsche). Tak-Niemöller, with Alfa Romeo, also do not make it to the finish when they ride against a boulder that has ended up on the road due to unclear reasons. Rob Slotemaker retires in the Ardennes after he has been driven into a ravine. 44 (21.5%) of the 128 teams that arrive at the finish in the storm remain without penalty points. After the participants finish in Noordwijk on Wednesday, the final test takes place on Friday (Queen’s Day) in Zandvoort. All 10 classes drive a separate race over 10 laps, in which the circuit is driven in the opposite direction according to the tradition of the Tulpenrallye.

The sixth edition is won by the Belgians Stasse and Gendebien, while Sheila van Damm, mainly based on her performance at Zandvoort, wins the Coupe des Dames together with the ladies Hall and Clarke (they also become 10th in the general classification). Olivier Gendebien is not present at the festive awards ceremony; he is already on his way to Brescia to appear as a participant at the start of the Mille Miglia. A new prize this year is the Nations Trophy, for teams consisting of five crews from the same country. The Germans win this prize, and also the club team prize goes to that country.


Take a look at the Tulpenrallye edition 1954 with the selection of images below that we have selected for you!

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Driver / Navigator
STNR. Driver Navigator Category Car
1R.H. Wilkins GBH.N. Walker GBJaguar xk 120 fhc
2C. Spiliotakis CHMme H. Spiliotakis CHJaguar
3G. Houel FL. Bousson FSalmson
4E.J. Haddon GBC.H. Vivian GBJaguar xk 120 ots
5M.G. Gillies GBF.B. Milne GBAston-martin
6B.G. Smit NLE. Groen NLJaguar
7Leon Coulibeuf FMme L. Coulibeuf FSalmson
8K.D. Fraser GBC.A. Mac Intyre GBAustin-healey
9T.N. Blockley GBJ. Kat GBAustin-healey
10M. Weisbard NLC.J. den Ouden NLAustin-healey 100/4
11Ph. De Lovinfosse BMaur. De Harenne BAlfa romeo
12L.J.P.M. Hengst NLM.A. Gravin Wolf-Metternich NLAustin-healey 100/4
13F.P.W. Grounds GBMrs. L.E. Grounds GBJaguar xk 120 ots
14Blanchard FGaston Louis FSalmson
15Rauch FPaul Delbarre FSalmson 2300 sport
15aJ. Bos Eyssen NLJ.F. de Mooy NLJaguar
16Kurt Zeller DAlois Willberger DFerrari 166mm competizione
17D.H. Murray GBM.P. Skarring GBFrazer nash
18W.C.N. Grant-Norton GB M.J.G. Carson GBFrazer nash
19H.C. O’Hara Moore GBJ.A.H. Gott GBFrazer nash
20G.N. Burgess GBJ. van Nimwegen GBFrazer nash
21Sir E. Derrick GBW. Verner GBFrazer nash
22Gregor Grant GBS. Asbury GBTriumph tr 2
23F.P.M. van der Meulen NLA.F. van Loosbroek NLTriumph tr 2
24V. Cooper GBG.A. Barker GBTriumph tr 2
25W. Scott GBE. Wright GBTriumph tr 2
26B.G. Wolfson GBJ.H. Ray GBMorgan
27J.H. Zorab NLLuigi Bena NLLancia aurelia
28J.W.S. Utley GBMrs. M. Utley GBBristol
30K.F.J. Wallrath NLJ. Lodewijks NLLancia aurelia
31Dr. Ralph S. Parkin GBC.T. Hendron GBMg
32Th.J. van Dijk NLJ. Geytenbeek NLMg
33F.M. Rust NLA.M. Roest NLMg td
34D.J. Hissink NLE.J.B. Lautier NLSinger nine roadster
35André Mischler CHJean Battiaz CHBristol
39Ugo Bonaconsa CHPeter Ebneter CHPorsche
40P.A. Andersen DKK.E. Rasmussen DKPorsche
41Werner Engel DGilbert Ambrecht DPorsche 1500 s
42Walter Ringgenberg CHWerner Mader CHPorsche 1500 s
43Adolf Glöckner DHelmut Zick DPorsche
44W.A. Gerlach NLL.A. de Vries NLPorsche
45H. Aldenkamp NLL. van Ulzen NLPorsche
46Walter Engel CHLeo Schaffner CHPorsche
47Arad L. Sjunesson SDr. Hinrich Theden SPorsche 356
48Herbert Marienfeldt DHelmuth Rathjen DPorsche
49Major A.T. Shaw GBA.S. Divall GBPorsche
50Jules Meur FMlle Roseline de Vriese FPorsche
51Edmund Vidal DPeter Prien DPorsche
52Pierre Dehove FCharles Benni FPorsche
53Hans Ströh DHermann Stock DPorsche
54Edmond Verbustel BClaude Dubois BSimca coupé de ville
59W.H. Visser NLJ.R. van Pelt NLPeugeot 203
60M. Gatsonides NLT. St. John Foster NLFord new anglia
61Guy Claude Reynes FRoger Santacreu FPeugeot 203
62R.H.R. Dee NLJhr. W.J. Teding van Berkhout NLPeugeot 203
63Pierre Sender FPierre Adam FPeugeot 203
64H.A. van der Aa NLC. Kalkman NLSimca aronde
65Torben Strand DKRobert Glad DKFiat
66Th.J. Koks NLK. de Jong NLVolkswagen kever
67V.P.I.H. Dassen NLK. Hertzdahl NLVolkswagen kever
68J.P. Kokkes NLMevr. A.C. Kokkes-Godijn NLAustin
69B.L. van der Wansem NLP. Flieringa NLAustin a40 sports
70R.L.G.M. Gorris NLW.F. Molenkamp NLFiat 1100
71V.H. Haag NLR.A.P. Rijke NLSkoda
72A. Chaslerie FRené Chaslerie FRenault
73A. Velu NLA.E. Wolfert NLPeugeot 203
74G.J. Dijkstra NLE.F. Dijkstra NLFiat 1100
76J.K. Kuiper NLK. Ton NLJaguar
78J.A. Nieuwenhuis NLJ. Nieuwenhuis NLJaguar
79Lord Carnegie GBS.E. Croft-Pearson GBJaguar
80A.L. Brussaard NLF. Hulsker NLJaguar mk vii
81J. Hulsker NLMartin W. Duyzings NLJaguar mk vii
82Ir. H.D. Prins NLH. Luyting NLJaguar mk vii
84Harold Pilmore-Bedford GBAllan Charles Wates GBHumber
85J.W.E. Banks GBM. Porter GBAlvis tc 21/100
86S.R. Taylor GBE.H. Harrison GBArmstrong siddeley
87M.J. Voormolen NLP.J. Hartman NLFord
88M.J. Vehmeijer NLJ.Th.M. Knegtel NLFord customline sedan
89W.F. Coenen NLJ. Butter NLFord v8
90J.P. Boardmam GBJ.A. Duckworth GBJaguar mk vii
91Lod. de Groot NLK. Groeneveld NLChevrolet
92L.B. Biesheuvel NLF. Pollé NLChevrolet
93Britta E. Hoffström SHans Bertil Anderson SNash
94J.A. Walker GBR. Chew GBAustin a 90
95H.G. Arndt NLJoh. de Rooy NLHumber ss
96M. Kuipers NLE.Th. Meloen NLFord
99J.G. Hadley GBL.G. Browne GBRiley
100J.W. Bowdage GBJ.R.F. Boger GBRiley
101P.J. Jetten NLL. van Noordwijk NLVauxhall velox
102Einar Kristensen DKHenrick Hartvig Have DKVauxhall
103John.H. Suter GBDouglas H. Perring GBSunbeam talbot 90
104Miss S. van Damm GBMrs. A. Hall GBSunbeam talbot 90
105P. Harper GBJ.A. Cutts GBSunbeam talbot 90
106J.P.H. Orr GBI.D.L. Lewis GBSunbeam talbot 90
107R.F. Holland GBJ.G. Woodruff GBSunbeam talbot 90
108Guy Moss GBMrs. J.B. Moss GBSunbeam talbot 90
109Lawrence Bird GBJames Hederson Noble GBSunbeam talbot 90
110J.M. Rupert NLMevr. N. Rupert-van Roosmalen NLSunbeam talbot 90
111K.E. Wits NLJ. Pos NLSunbeam talbot 90
112Louis Martin NLB.C. Dresens NLSunbeam talbot 90
113J. van Nieuwenhuijzen NLMr. J.H. Boekhout NLSunbeam talbot 90
114T.C. Harrison GBE. Harrison GBFord zephyr
115Martin Carstedt SGulli Carstedt SFord zodiac
116Mrs. Nancy Mitchell GBMrs. Joyce Leavens GBFord zephyr
117Mrs. M.M. Cooke GBMrs. J. Bowden GBFord zodiac
118Jack H. Kemsley GBPhilip Fotheringham-Parker GBFord zephyr
119H.J. Judd GBH. Wolfe GBFord zodiac
120R.W. Phillips GBD.G. Scott GBFord zephyr
121J. Risk GBC.D. Coulton GBFord zephyr
122A.R. Slotemaker NLR.J. v.d. Heyde NLFord zephyr
123Hon. P.I. Cunliffe-Lister GB L.B. Hose-Gadsby GBFord zodiac
124E.N. Brinkman GBP.J. Berntsen GBFord zodiac
125W.G.D. Verzijl NLJ.S. de Vries NLMercedes-benz
126J.F. Schieck NLE.N. v.d. Bergh NLOpel kapitän
127Major Bingham Ch. Baylay GBDudley Guy Carleton-Smith Inglis GBRover
128A.G. Imhof GBR. Baxter GBSunbeam talbot
129Miss H.N. Dunham GBMrs. G.K.M. Armitage GBRover
130A.J. Tatham GBIan Davies GBSunbeam talbot
131S. Rostron GBO.N. Pike GBSunbeam talbot
132E. Elliot GBD. Wright GBSunbeam talbot
133Pierre Stasse BOlivier Gendebien BAlfa romeo 1900ti sedan
134J.A.J. Heidendahl NLJb. Zwart NLAlfa romeo 1900ti sedan
135W.J.J. Tak NLW.C. Niemöller NLAlfa romeo 1900ti sedan
136Ernst Loof DHans Wencher DBmw 501
137Georg Meier DHonoree Wagner DBmw 501
138Ludwig Kraus DErwin Behringer DBmw 501
139C.J. de Vries NLJ.A. Moorman NLAlfa romeo 1900 ti sedan
140Mej. Joh.E. Maasland NLMevr. de Fouw-Niekerk NLAlfa romeo 1900 ti sedan
141J.M.H. Janssen NLR.S. de Boer NLFiat
142W.C. Lier CHChs. Lesritz CHLancia aurelia
144J. Hamel NLC. Sollart NLRenault frégate
145J. Brugge NLAdr. Van Pernis NLCitroën
146M.H. Bottelberghs NLW.H.M.C. Poublon NLCitroën
147J. van Nes NLM. Peen NLCitroën
148Mevr. M.L. Vermeulen-Thunack NL D. Deibel NLCitroën
149J.A.L. Coenen NLMevr. S. Coenen-Gazan NLCitroën
150F.P. Kleinjan NLD.H. Dekker NLMercedes-benz
151R. Groenhoff NLH. Zomer NLMercedes-benz
156G.J. Willing NLJ. Scheffer NLJowett javelin
157H.W. Burke GBJohn Gilley GBJowett javelin
158O.E. Homan NLS. Mulder NLJowett javelin
159S. Eddy GBR.S. Waller GBJowett javelin
160Sven Haskel-Sven SEric Sallander SVolvo pv 444
161H.C. Hoogeveen NLG. Voogd NLBorgward
162A.M. Leerdam NLG. Zwolle NLBorgward
163H.J. Voormolen NLP. v.d. Wiel NLFiat 1400
164J.J.F. Verdonck LW.A.P. Verheyden LFiat
165J.H.G. Geurts NLG.W.V. Arntz NLFiat
166J.H. Broedelet NLG. Kolff NLFiat
167G.G.W. Timmer NLA.C. Bakker NLOpel rekord
168J. van der Klooster NLP. van Steynen NLOpel rekord
171E.C. Pellens NLMevr. C. Pellens-van Elden NLOpel rekord
172W. van Zijl NLM. Biesterveld NLOpel olympia rekord
173J. Bleeker NLJ. Mulder NLOpel olympia rekord
174J.G. Reece GBP.B. Reece GBFord consul
175J.Wm. Fleetwood GBG. Read GBFord consul
176M.B. Colbeck GBG.W. Adams GBFord consul
177Mrs. Olga Johnson GBMrs. Beryl Neate GBRiley
183J. Martens NLB.H. Eerligh NLFiat 1100tv
184Rud. Rottbol Orum DKIng. J. Voigt-Nielsen DKFiat 1100tv
185J.D. Struyk NLC. Verschuur NLFiat 1100tv
186C.A. Versfeld NLM.A. v. Kuyk NLFiat 1100tv
187T. Dik NLMevr. E.F. v. Stien NLFiat 1100tv
188Drs. H.L. Steunebrink NLW. Richters NLFiat 1100tv
189J.P.M. Alsem NLG.Th.E. v.d. Werff NLSimca
190N. van Kerckhof NLH. Verbeek NLSimca
191René Barthelemy FJoseph Derr FSimca
192M. Rademakers NLH.A. Herweyer NLSimca
193Paul Olsen DKHans Pahl DKPeugeot
194Joh.W.C. v.d. Vossen NLAlb. Hartog NLPeugeot
195Dick Ackermans NLJan Peijnenborg NLPeugeot
196T.H. Zwikstra NLP.F. Docter NLPeugeot
197J.S. Cohen NLJ.H. Jansen NLPeugeot
198O. Rosenblatt NLW. Rosenblatt NLPeugeot
199Peder Knakkergaard Jespersen DKSøren Nørgaard DKFiat
200P. Visser NLH.C. Vaandrager NLSimca
201Heinz Fischer DKurt Hacker DFiat
202J.R. van Bennekum NLGerh. Richterich NLAustin
203Gustav Fr. Riedt DAlfons Ostermann DFord taunus
204Joachim Springer DErwin von Regius DFord taunus 12m
205Walther Scheube DPaul Gierke DFord taunus 12m
206Wilhelm Lindner DGünter Isenbügel DFord taunus
208G. Hill NLG. Beekhuizen NLFord taunus
209Heinrich Rösler DHermann Fritzen DVolkswagen kever
210Bach Poulsen DKViggo Petersen DKVolkswagen kever
211Herbert Fritzen DRolf Gaude DVolkswagen kever
212Luc.J.F.A. van den Bergh NLJ.G. Smulders NLVolkswagen kever
213A. de Jager NLA. Stöpler NLVolkswagen kever
214Carl Georg Freiherr von Pachelbel DWerner Muffey DVolkswagen kever
215P. Mourier DKB.U. Ramsing DKVolkswagen kever
216M.W.H. Timmermans NLR.M.A.M. Timmermans NLVolkswagen kever
217A. Hoogervorst NLC. Hoogervorst NLVolkswagen kever
218Mej. Mary L. Kuyper NLMej. R. Leger NLAustin
219Arne Olsen DKAndr. Markussen DKWolseley
220R.H. Sleigh GBR.G. Martin GBAnglia
221P.T. Trevelyan-Jones GBE. Chadwick GBHillman
222B.A.J. Wittkampf NLW.H.N. Struyck NLVolkswagen
224A. Thambert SK.I. Paulsson SPeugeot
225J.M. Beekman NL Simca
228Max.W. Ammann CHMle Marceline Suardi CHDyna panhard
229I.A. Langestraat NLD.M. v. Hoevelaken NLDyna panhard
230Ch. Harlaar NLK. Pijper NLDyna panhard type 54
231R.R.G. Dumont de Chassart DE. Leclercq DDyna panhard
232Walter Schlüter DH. Schellhaas DDkw sonderklasse f91
233Heinz Meier DHeinz Schellhas DDkw sonderklasse f91
234Gustav Menz DHubert Brand DDkw sonderklasse f91
235Jan Flinterman NLF. Eschauzier NLDkw sonderklasse f91
236Mrs. Greta Molander NH. Lundberg NDkw sonderklasse f91
237J.F. Witteveen NLJ. van Rijn NLDkw sonderklasse f91
238J.L.M. Kuijken NLF.J. van der Vlugt NLDkw sonderklasse f91
239Maarten Flinterman NLPiet Knijnenburg NLDkw sonderklasse f91
240Ernst-Günther Maurer DHans-Hermann Russmeier DDkw sonderklasse f91
241Th.J. Beuk NLP. Bakkum NLDkw sonderklasse f91
242H.J. te Siepe NLP. Seegers NLDkw sonderklasse f91
243A.A. Kouwenberg NLA.Th. van Luyk NLDkw sonderklasse f91
244C.A.A.M. van der Kroon NLA.C. van Dongen NLDkw sonderklasse f91
245H.van Zalinge NLH.W. Bijl NLDkw sonderklasse f91
246Jean Pelletier FCharles Baumert FDyna panhard
247J.C. Warning NLG.P. Berk NLDkw sonderklasse f91


  • Overall



  1. Nurburgring
  2. Belfort
  3. St. Claude
  4. Champagnole
  5. Chambery
  6. Valence
  7. Lautenbach
  8. Soultzbach
  9. Luxemburg
  10. Luik
  11. Eindhoven
  12. Noordwijk



Een moment geduld a.u.b.
This year does not have a result.