Tulpenrallye 1966

  • 2756 Kilometers
  • 116 Equipes at the start
  • 82 Equipes at the finish
  • Peter Harper | Robin Turvey
  • Noordwijk (NL)
  • Noordwijk (NL)


Until 1965 the Tulpenrallye was financially supported by a Council of Assistance, consisting of DAF, Vredestein, Esso, BP, Caltex, Shell and the National Flower Bulbs Committee. In the first 17 years of the rally, these companies jointly invested one million guilders in the rally. In 1965 it was announced that this financial support would stop. Fortunately, organizers Piet Nortier and Sybren Roest have managed to interest BP International (main sponsor) and BP France (paying all oil and petrol for the 50 highest ranking amateurs) to take over the financing of the event. Busy traffic makes it increasingly difficult to organize international rallies. It can only be done if one bypasses busy traffic routes and organizes the tests on closed roads. The police in France have to be paid for closing and managing the roads for the trials. The Tulpenrallye is being driven for the first time according to the new Annexe J of the F.I.A. Group 1 for series touring cars of which at least 5,000 have to be built, group 2 for touring cars of which 1,000 have been built and can be further modified and group 3 for the Grand Turisme cars of which 500 are built. This year, for the first time, the various systems of handicaps and coefficients that have been made in the past for a general classification will be abandoned. It is now based on just ‘scratch’, where the participant with the fastest time wins the final classification, regardless of the fact in which class or car he or she is driving. Organized service for participants on the way is forbidden. Nonetheless, an Orange Citroën Break of the Racing Team Holland is running and Erik Carlsson is then accidentally picked up along the route by a Swedish tourist in a Saab when his engine problems have forced him to retire.

The De Wild brothers register with a Volkswagen 1600 TL that has not yet been homologated at that time. The F.I.A. in the end only meets on the day of the start of the rally, as a result of which they can not participate. Rosemary Smith will not start either; she prefers the Shell 4000 which is run in Canada at the same time.

The rally consists of two full days and two nights, in which the crews constantly drive on. There are eighteen special stages, six of which have never been in international rallies before, and a large number of special trials. A number of tests in the Vosges is the same as in 1965, and because there is not much snow this year these could all be driven as well. For the first time, a test will be held on the way back at the military training ground the Vlasakkers near Amersfoort. The secret test at Soesterberg airport is also new. For the deposition of both tests, 2,000 straw bales are required. The route leads to Geneva again.

After the start in Noordwijk, the first test is at La Reid with a length of 2.5 km. The second test is the famous climb from La Roche to Samrée in Belgium, followed by the climbs of Kautenbach and Bourscheid in Luxembourg. In the Vosges, the well-known trials of Charbonnière and Ballon d’Alsace are included in the route, while on the way back the tests of Ballon d’Alsace, Col de Bramont, Trois-Epis and Breitenbach are also being driven. Before starting on the way back, however, there is first a southern loop to Geneva containing the trials of La Croisette, Mont Salève and Col de la Faucille. Further on in the north, on the way back, the Bourscheid trial will be driven, the Route de Mont in Belgium and the two trials of Leusden (the military sites of the Vlasakkers and Soesterberg) with the test at the Circuit van Zandvoort as conclusion . On Friday, a slalom will be set out in Noordwijk, which does not count for the classification. The Pool Zasada puts his Steyr Puch here on its roof.

The contenders this year include Erik Carlsson (Saab) and Peter Harper who starts with a Sunbeam Tiger under number 1. Other well-known registrations are Simo Lampinen (Ford Lotus Cortina) and Vic Elford (Ford Lotus Cortina). Rauno Aaltonen and Timo Mäkinen both start with factory-Coopers S. Both gentlemen have a toss, and Aaltonen wins the seat of the much faster group-2 version, after which Mäkinen has to do with the standard group-1. Among the Dutch favorites are the two Porsches 911 of the Stichts Racing Team with Gijs and David van Lennep and Joop Heidendahl-Jooks Klein. Dick Schwarz-Gerard van Lennep (Fiat 2300), Rob Gorris-Bob Boekhout (BMW 1800), Dries Jetten-Jan Horbach with Opel Rekord and Rob Slotemaker-Ferry van der Geest with Alfa Romeo GTA also belong to this category. Pat Carlsson Moss and Elisabeth Nystrom have swapped the Saab for a Plymouth Barracuda this year.

Slotemaker is looking forward to the event this year. Together with his co-driver Ferry van der Geest, whom he swapped for the Italian lgnazio Giunti whom was first assigned to him by the factory. He starts fast in Noordwijk and is the fastest on the first test, together with the Van Lenneps. The second test is also won by ‘Sloot’. Slotemaker is not really known for the careful handling of the equipment and on the fifth test he has to give up with a broken axle. Vic Elford is in the lead after the sixth special stages, followed by Peter Harper. The Van Lennep brothers are then third. Halfway through the rally, Rauno Aaltonen takes the lead with the BMC Cooper and the Van Lenneps sink back to fifth place. Gijs and David van Lennep fall even further in the second part, due to problems with the tires and the clutch. In Morez, the Saab factory technicians are replacing the clutch in one of the cars. For this the engine must also be removed and re-installed and they will do the whole job in 31 minutes. After this they take a gas burner out of the car and fry a chicken. Unlike previous years, there are no protests at the finish this time; proof of the fact that the rally went well and the atmosphere is optimal. Rauno Aaltonen and Henry Liddon win the final classification. Dries Jetten and Jan Horbach (3rd) and the brothers of Lennep (6th) are the best Dutch. The ladies Pat Carlsson-Moss and Elisabeth Nystrom win the Coupe des Dames. The awards ceremony will be on Saturday (April 30) this year, to give the results centre more time to calculate the results.


Take a look at the Tulpenrallye edition 1966 with the selection of images below that we have selected for you!

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Driver / Navigator
STNR. Driver Navigator Category Car
1Peter Harper GBRobin Turvey GBSunbeam tiger
2John Kennerley GBDigby Martland GBShelby american 350gt
3David Gray GBLeslie Needham GBJaguar e-type fhc
4Anthony Raylor GBGeoffrey Franklin GBAustin-healey 3000 mkiii
5Gerard Smit NLLeo Smit NLAustin-healey 3000 mkiii
6Egon Grabowski NLHarry de Graaff NLAustin-healey 3000 mkiii
9Pat Carlsson SElizabeth Nyström SPlymouth barracuda
10Nicolas Koob LArmand Wies LBmw 1800 ti/sa
11Charles Fettweis BPaul Pauly BVolvo 122s
12J¢rgen Nielsen DKRudolf Rottb¢l Orum DKFord taunus 20m ts
14Günter Heymans DJörg Pape DBmw 1800 ti
15Sybren Postma NLC.J. Rhee NLLancia flaminia gt
16Dick Schwarz NLGerard van Lennep NLFiat 2300 s coupé
17Rob Gorris NLBob Boekhout NLBmw 1800 ti
18Ad Wolfert NLRinus Meijer NLBmw 1800
19Harry Kiviet NLKees van Grieken NLVolvo 122s
20Anders Sigurdson SIngvar Strom SVolvo 122s
21Poul Pedersen DKAage Juul DKVolvo pv544
22Knud Andersen DKB¢rge Pedersen DKVolvo pv544
23Lennart Bergqvist SFergus Sager SVolvo 122s
24C. Syberg DKP. Olsen DKVolvo 122s
26Tom Trana SLennart Berggren SVolvo 122
27Arnulf Pilhatsch APeter Lederer ABmw 1800 ti
28Ingve Ward SSture Boström SBmw 1800 ti
30Poul Olsen DKOle Janslund DKVolvo 122s
30Poul Olsen DKOle Janslund DKVolvo 122s
31Günther Kolwes DHolger Heine DVolvo 122s
31Günther Kolwes DHolger Heine DVolvo 122s
32Ad Haans NLMarcel Verbunt NLBmw 1800 ti
32Ad Haans NLMarcel Verbunt NLBmw 1800 ti
33Dries Jetten NLJan Horbach NLOpel record
34Oscar Rosenblatt NLFrits Honhof NLBmw 1800 ti
35Hub Pellikaan NLPeter Hilders NLChevrolet monza coupé
35Hub Pellikaan NLPeter Hilders NLChevrolet monza coupé
36Louis Nuijen NLJan Quant NLVolvo pv544
36Louis Nuijen NLJan Quant NLVolvo pv544
37Cees den Ouden NLKees Koster NLCitroën ds21
38Harry Bierman NLSid Brandsma NLBmw 1800 ti
38Harry Bierman NLSid Brandsma NLBmw 1800 ti
39Grahame John GBCharles Harwood GBTriumph 2000
39Grahame John GBCharles Harwood GBTriumph 2000
42Wilfried Gass DWill Bretthauer DPorsche 911
43Gijs van Lennep NLDavid van Lennep NLPorsche 911
44Jules Meur MCNorbert Rebetez CHPorsche 911
45Winston Rice GBRonald Willson GBTriumph tr4
46Johan Burlage NLPaul Docter NLMg b
47Joop Heidendahl NLJooks Klein NLPorsche 911
50David Friswell GBAlan Taylor GBLotus elan
51Rinus Roelofs NLDirk Koens NLLotus elan
52Luc van den Bergh NLMarcel van Mol BPorsche 912
53Jaap de Ruijter NLJan de Ruijter NLPorsche 1600sc
54Mari Schöttelndreier NLE. van Lent NLPorsche 1600sc
55Rien van Dun NLJan Quant NLFiat 1500 cabriolet
56J. Komusin DG. Müllers DAlfa romeo ss
58Simo Lampinen SFJyrki Ahava SFFord lotus cortina
59Arnaldo Cavallari IDante Salvay IAlfa romeo gta
60Vic Elford GBJohn Davenport GBFord lotus cortina
61Rob Slotemaker NLFerry van der Geest NLAlfa romeo gta
62Gordon King GBPaul Steiner GBFord lotus cortina
63Dino Pizzinato IAlbert Mathay LAlfa romeo gta
64Eric Jackson GBKenneth Deacon GBFord lotus cortina
65Georges Duviau FJan Bosch NLFord lotus cortina
66Gwer Reichen CHMichelle Seitz CHAlfa romeo gta
67René Borgerhoff Mulder NLJaap den Hollander NLAlfa romeo gta
68Wim Beers NLTon Strous NLFord corsair gt
69Preben Andersen DKPeter Reinholdt DKFord cortina gt
70Bert Muller NLJaap Eijffius NLFiat 1500
71Jean Marie Dechène BHenri Pevee BFord cortina gt
73Rodney Spokes GBColin White GBFord cortina gt
75Bengt Söderström SGunnar Palm SFord lotus cortina
76Guy Brunninghausen BEdgar van Coillie BAlfa romeo 1600 giulia ti
76Guy Brunninghausen BEdgar van Coillie BAlfa romeo 1600 giulia ti
77Harry Cooper GBFrancis Radford GBFord lotus cortina
77Harry Cooper GBFrancis Radford GBFord lotus cortina
78Sir Peter Moon GBAtyis Krauklis GBFord lotus cortina
79Yvette Fontaine BGaby ‘Poison’ BAlfa romeo giulia s
80Leo Bertorelli GBJohn Bloomfield GBFord lotus cortina
81Malcolm Wilson GBArthur Brick GBFord cortina gt
82George Parkes GBGeorge Humble GBFord cortina gt
83Bernhard Meijer NLB. Meijer de Winter NLAlfa romeo giulia s
83Bernhard Meijer NLB. Meijer de Winter NLAlfa romeo giulia s
84Dirk de Wild NLWil de Wild NLVolkswagen 1600tl
85Jan Flinterman NLPeter Flinterman NLSimca 1500
86Jan Konink NLFrans van Rooyen NLVolkswagen 1600tl
86Jan Konink NLFrans van Rooyen NLVolkswagen 1600tl
89Rauno Aaltonen SFHenry Liddon GBAustin cooper s
90David Tomlinson GBEric Gartside GBMorris cooper s
91Brian Petsch GBHarrold Miller GBMorris cooper s
92Carolyn Tyler GBSheila Tyler GBAustin cooper s
93Philip Cooper GBJohn Bennet GBAustin cooper s
94Ian Stevenson GBHorace Appleby GBAustin cooper s
95Robert Freebororough GBCharles Wright GBMorris cooper s
96Robert Eaves GBJohn Vipond GBMorris cooper s
97Robert-Hein van Nievelt NLTom Gatsonides NLAustin cooper s
100Timo Mäkinen SFPaul Easter GBBmc cooper s
101Ian Carrol GBPhilip Drury GBAustin cooper s
102Harald Andersen DKOda Dencker DAustin cooper s
102Harald Andersen DKOda Dencker DAustin cooper s
103Joh. Roestenburg NLJoh.A. Roestenburg NLMorris cooper s
103Joh. Roestenburg NLJoh.A. Roestenburg NLMorris cooper s
104Wulfert Winands NLJo Smits NLMorris cooper s
105Jean Crossley GBMargaret Mackenzie GBMg 1100
105Jean Crossley GBMargaret Mackenzie GBMg 1100
106Dieter Lambart DWolf Zink DOpel kadett coupé
106Dieter Lambart DWolf Zink DOpel kadett coupé
109Nicholas Rowe GBStuart Turner GBHillman imp
110Rob Kinney USAFreek Voet NLHillman imp
111Simon Heijndijk NLNol Martini NLHillman imp
112Arie Boot NLJaap van Leggelo NLMatra sports djet v
113“Tiny” Lewis GBTimothy Bosence GBHillman imp
116Pekka Kinnunen SFStig Blomgren SRenault r8 gordini
117Malcolm New GBBill Rogers GBRenault r8 gordini
118Alfred Krause FJean Brecheisen FRenault r8 gordini
119Stanley Palmer GBRoger Willis GBAustin cooper s
120Ad Paulen NLJohan Buyze NLRenault r8 gordini
123Frank Powell GB Austin cooper s
124Günther Rüttinger DPaul Thiel DWartburg
125Michael Bowyer GBDavid Fawcett GBMorris cooper s
126Kurt Rüdiger DGünter Gries DWartburg
127Manfred Lenke DHans Ströh DMorris cooper s
128Kurt Otto DWolfgang Strehlow DWartburg
129Michael Marsden GBKenneth Pryor GBMorris cooper s
130Werner Jäger DEgon Culmbacher DWartburg
133Erik Carlsson STortsten Aman SSaab sport
134Peter Ruby DHelmut Bein DDkw f11
135Olle Dahl-Lars SErik Haag SSaab monte carlo
136Hans Lund SBjörn Wahlgren SSaab monte carlo
137Kent Hansson SAke Hedskog SSaab 96 sport
140Sobieslaw Zasada PLEwa Zasada PLSteyr-puch 650tr
141Karl Landgraf DLothar Sachse DTrabant 601
142Hans Ullman DWerner Lange DTrabant 601
143Eberhard Asmus DHelmut Piehler DTrabant 601
144Franz Galle DHeinz Feldmann DTrabant 601
146Michael Lane GBR.B. Lane GBSimca 1000 gls
147Renzo Druetto IF. Sclecitia IFiat 850 coupé
148Sieg Mouwes NLRinus Berkman NLFiat 850 coupé
149Dennis Dicker GBGraham Proris GBAustin mini
150Henk Wijnands NLHermina Wijnands NLCitroën ami 6


  • Amateur 1

  • Group 1

  • Group 2

  • Group 3



  1. Noordwijk
  2. Wechelderzande
  3. La Roche en Ardenne
  4. Col de la Faucille
  5. Champagnole
  6. Col du Donon
  7. La Rochette
  8. Luik
  9. Zandvoort
  10. Noordwijk



Een moment geduld a.u.b.
This year does not have a result.